Who Buys Structured Settlements?

Buy Structured Settlements


A structured settlement is an agreement between you and the party liable for your injury to pay you in periodic, or structured, payments over time instead of one lump sum. However, you might want to consider selling your structured settlement if you need a lump sum of cash without having to liquidate other assets like stocks or bonds to meet immediate needs. The buyers have various reasons and motivations for wanting to purchase structured settlements. Understanding these reasons can help sellers and buyers determine whether the transaction will be mutually beneficial.

Companies Specializing in Buying Structured Settlements and Annuities

Companies that buy structured settlements buy these rights from the annuitants enabling them to collect the future payments that are agreed upon on in the deal. This is useful in multiple ways: It allows sellers to get cash now rather than later and it gives buyers a steady income stream from their investment.

It also helps injured parties receive lump sum of money they would otherwise have acquired over time. There are some companies that specialize in buying structured settlements and annuities. When buying annuities or structured settlements, make sure you do your research first—and don’t be afraid to ask questions if something doesn’t feel right.

Hedge Funds

It’s common to hear news stories about investors buying large chunks of mortgages. It’s becoming increasingly popular for hedge funds to purchase structured settlement payments. Unlike traditional financial institutions, hedge funds tend to be very opportunistic and look for high-risk/high-reward opportunities, and they may see a structured settlement as just that opportunity. Structured settlements provide an investor with regular income over time, often preferable to investing in stocks or bonds.

Because of their unique characteristics, these types of investments can be difficult for institutional buyers (i.e., banks) to make on their own. However, hedge funds can often make these purchases through partnerships with private equity firms or other investment groups.

Insurance Companies

Insurance companies can offer to buy structured settlements back from annuitants, but many people don’t realize that insurance companies aren’t always buying them to reduce their risk. Insurance companies often purchase settlement packages for investment purposes, meaning they plan to invest in someone else’s financial future through long-term investments. Insurance companies often use premiums collected from policyholders to invest in government bonds or other securities that offer a low yield and little to no upside potential.

However, when an insurance company purchases a structured settlement payment stream from an individual (or group of individuals), it can then take those payments and sell them as part of an investment portfolio to generate income. That type of transaction is called securitization, which means investors will receive payments over time instead of being paid all at once. This process allows investors to earn more money over time while taking less risk than they would if they invested directly in stocks or bonds.

Factoring Companies

Don’t let their name fool you—factoring companies are interested in more than just invoices. Factoring companies purchase non-recourse and recourse receivables and delinquent accounts receivables (they tend to focus on A/R that’s 30 days or older). That can include defaulted payables, medical payments, insurance claims, and—you guessed it—structured settlements. Factoring companies offer a secondary market for these assets and are willing to buy them at a discount.

Some factoring companies specialize in purchasing these assets, while others will only consider them if they’re part of an otherwise attractive portfolio. So, how do factoring companies make money off these deals? They take a percentage of what they paid for your structured settlement as profit. You get paid upfront when selling your annuity payment stream to a factoring company. However, some firms will provide financing so you don’t have to wait until after closing to receive your funds.To maximize your chances of selling a structured settlement at a higher value, contact We Pay More Funding they offer top dollar for your future settlement payments.


Structured settlements have become an alternative investment for a variety of reasons. One reason is because people are looking to diversify their portfolios, and some see it as an excellent long-term investment. Other people need money quickly and find it easier to sell their future payments than trying to get a loan from a bank or other financial institution. However, professional companies that buy structured settlements exist to help these transactions go smoothly and without hassle. They can provide higher and faster cash payments.

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