The most helpful GMAT practice tests in the world, only at Experts’ Global!

helpful GMAT practice tests in the world,


The GMAT prep process shows its results best when one attempts mock tests. The mock testing process is so vital that the quality of the tests taken becomes a deciding factor for the GMAT prep program chosen.

This choice is dictated by a host of factors. For one, the tests, in their complexity and difficulty, must approximate the GMAT, failing which they will leave students without the necessary means to build their aptitudes. The questions and scoring of the tests must also follow the GMAT pattern. Exhaustive analytics are the cherry on top, helping students minutely understand how prep is going.

Experts’ Global’s GMAT practice test series is truly exceptional in that it meets all these criteria and does even more.

Effective Question

Experts’ Global’s questions present the same conceptual scope as the GMAT’s, as well as a testing screen just like the GMAT’s. The use of a layout and color scheme that mimics the GMAT is only enhanced by similar controls and software functionality. An add-on is a screen timer that turns red when a student spends too much time on a question, allowing for better time management. Experts’ Global’s free GMAT practice test, allows students to test out these features themselves.

Number of Tests

Experts’ Global offers far more GMAT practice tests than its competitors do. Providing 15 full-length tests instead of the usual six or less, the program with its bounty let students make the best of their practice by building up test-taking aptitude, care-free.

GMAT-like Scoring

Experts’ Global has also well-replicated the GMAT scoring system. The company’s students largely report that their GMAT Prep mock scores and their Experts’ Global’s mock scores are almost the same. Thus, the firm provides a stunning degree of accuracy in its scoring.

Useful Analytics

In providing students with a 360-degree view of their post-test performance, Experts’ Global’s mock test analytics are very helpful. The utility of the information presented allows students to understand their strengths and weaknesses and the areas that are most time-consuming for them.

Self-Study Empowered

Experts’ Global also provides premier self-study resources. Each question in the mock tests is accompanied by a detailed explanation video, boosting student’s speed and accuracy by clarifying concepts. The firm also equips students with a 10-e-book set that covers all the GMAT sentence correction concepts in great detail.

Experts’ Global’s practice test series is a labor of love. With students’ best interests in mind, the firm has focused on ease of study through additions such as the “sticky notes”, small colorful pop-ups used to jot down notes. Overall, the practice tests are all a GMAT prep per needs!

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