4 Reasons to Consider an Emergency Fund

Consider an Emergency Fund


Life doesn’t always go as planned; things can change overnight. Having money in the bank to cover your monthly expenses is good, but living paycheck to paycheck is never a safe thing to do. You never know what the future may hold. Going through life with no savings is a risk you shouldn’t take.

Setting aside an amount of money each month and keeping it in a savings account is a wise step to take. You will always be prepared for any emergencies. The amount you have in your emergency fund must only go for urgent unplanned situations. If you have other savings goals, consider opening another account.

Here are 4 good reasons you should have an emergency fund:


Looking at the uncertainty the world is going through, turning from an employed person to a jobless person has a high possibility. Many lost their jobs during the Covid-19 pandemic. Those who didn’t have any savings suffered financially, especially with the lack of opportunities and the setback the labor market has witnessed.

Not to be pessimistic, but always prepare for worst-case scenarios. Make sure your emergency fund will cover at least 6 months of your expenses to be able to maintain a decent lifestyle if it happens to lose your main source of income.

Unexpected Medical Costs

No need to tell you that buying medical insurance is essential, but not all medical costs can be covered in the insurance. Medical emergencies can happen anytime, no matter how healthy you are, and they are not the type of things you can postpone. Always set aside a considerable amount of money to deal with unexpected medical bills.

Urgent Repairs

It happens to many; they are driving their cars as usual, and suddenly the engine starts making weird noises, or the car just stops working for no apparent reason. A quick visit to the mechanic tells them that a huge bill is awaiting them.

The same goes for home repairs; sudden plumbing problems, the heater stopped working, and so on.

You can’t always count on your paycheck to pay for these repairs, but if you have an emergency fund, you’ll pay for them on the spot without needing to wait for the problems to get worse.

Unplanned Trips

We are not talking here about traveling for leisure, this is not considered a situation that requires withdrawing money from your emergency fund. What we are talking about is unfortunate events that compel you to travel without previous planning. For instance, if one of your close friends or family members had an accident that put them in the hospital or one of your loved ones has passed away, and they live in another country, you’ll need to travel there as soon as possible.

Plane tickets, accommodations, and other traveling expenses are not cheap. An emergency fund will serve you well in such situations and allow you to cover all the costs and be there to support your family and friends.

How to Build an Emergency Fund and How Much to Save?

Start by opening a savings account, then set your monthly savings goals. Budgeting is important. List your monthly expenses, and allocate a budget to pay them. Transfer whatever is left from your paycheck after paying these expenses to your savings account.

If you find it difficult to save on a monthly basis, save a small amount daily and transfer it to your savings account. By the end of the month, you’ll find out you saved a considerable amount of money without even knowing.

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